Be part of the solution.

We believe that Australia has the opportunity to be carbon neutral by 2050. We’ll play our part in achieving this and our Climate Transition Action Plan details our target of reaching zero net emissions by 2050.
By switching to better solutions, your business can help make a difference. Be part of the solution by opting into our easy-to-use energy option available for businesses like yours: Carbon Neutral.
Carbon Neutral is our greenhouse gas offsetting program
Our Carbon Neutral options are certified by Climate Active, and can be added to any AGL | Perth Energy electricity or gas energy agreement.
How carbon offsetting works
Carbon offsetting means for every unit of electricity or gas delivered and used at your premises, we purchase and retire eligible offset units that support projects to remove the greenhouse gas offsetting emissions from the atmosphere.
Our offsetting projects
Not all carbon offset projects are the same. Initiatives can include reforestation and energy efficiency projects, and projects that help reduce emissions in agriculture, industry and homes.
Any carbon offsets we buy to offset emissions for our carbon neutral certified products meet the integrity requirements under the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard, which is backed by the Australian Government.
Reforestation Project, Western Australia
This 5,700ha reforestation project is contained on 14 properties within the Central and Northern Agricultural Regions of Western Australia. From 2009 to 2010 over 6,000,000 native species mallee trees were planted on land previously cleared for dryland cropping and grazing.
Registration as a Carbon Farming Initiative Project included commitment to maintain the project forest for a minimum 100 years. The Company’s property rights to sequestered carbon are enshrined by Carbon Rights and Tree Plantation Agreements, and the Project is registered to continue producing ACCUs until 2039.
Burn Stoves Project, Kenya
In rural Kenya, families usually cook with wood and charcoal fuelled stoves. The Burn Stove Project manufactures and distributes an alternative stove that reduces fuel consumption as well as cooking time – minimising carbon emissions and reducing the pressures on local forests, as well as the fuel cost borne by families. At the same time, the project employs over 200 people locally, helping drive economic opportunities for women in particular.
Reforestation Project, Western Australia
Image credit: Carbon Conscious